Wednesday, 26 April 2017

this kind of posts really should be called a "series of uncertainty"

well... it's actually about sacchan... again... like... it was always about her...

well... it's been 5 years since we last met... and i'm still doing it... cover a song every year... and like... lots of my songs are about her... and i'm like...

am i being a nuisance?

i mean... you don't really know the whole story... right?
i actually met her a little later than the time i "know" her... i mean... we were in a same community... but i actually started to really know her like later in the days...

well...we actually met on like... february.... just 2 months... before THE DAY... like... what the heck am i thinking?

i was a stranger...

and i am acting like this? that's like... rude...

well it's not like i didn't think about it all these years. i mean i actually ran a project Re:Dream


because i think if it's just something from me... it's meaningless...

in the end i just want an answer

that i'll never get...